The ‘Every Child Matters’ project Launched!

Barnes Foundation (BF) is proud to launch the “Every Child Matters” project which focuses on the provision of basic educational infrastructures to enable our young people to gain uninhibited access to education. This project is in line with UN Charter (Article 28). Barnes Foundation has ‘adopted’ Addaekrom District Assembly Primary School, in the Afram Plains where a three-year (2023-2026) project has started. First, BF has installed Solar Streetlights in the village of Addaekrom (Nov 2022) to provide a safer environment for the children at night.

With the support of some individuals, families, and organisations, we have now started to build a new six (6) classroom block with a dining room, administrative block, playground, and toilets to replace the existing building structure which, is so dangerous for any child to use as a place of learning.

Given the location and deplorable conditions in the small village of Addaekrom, the school had only one teacher for the entire primary school at the beginning of 2023/24 academic year. Through the generosity of our supporters, BF has now employed two additional teachers who are exuberant to be part of our ‘journey’.

BF has involved the entire village community to promote the project by setting up a project management team which, involves about 90% of the residents. They are also going to be involved in a community farm project which will be used to part-fund the administration of the school.

Finally, Barnes Foundation will introduce pupils of Addaekrom DA Primary School to the learning and use of ‘real’ computers. This means, our kids will no longer use cut-out computers from cardboard!!

The estimated cost for the project is £20,000.
Donations can be made via our website or by card to:

Barnes Foundation
Chase Bank
Sort code: 60-84-07
A/c number: 60941789